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The options are endless

The core taskforce for the Boundless Play, Boundless Impact campaign met with Lincoln Public School's officials on Oct. 3 to review our playground equipment requests and options.

The district shared a Beattie Concept in line with the district's goals: accessibility and safety, noting the $150,000 LPS provides would cover the cost of adding soft play rubber around one of Beattie's existing structures and the cost of a new play mat where equipment the committee might like to keep would be moved.

Lincoln Public Schools also noted it would not make sense to move or "save" equipment near the end of its usable life.

We agree.

After discussion of priorities, needs, wishes and like-to-haves, Lincoln Public Schools went back to the drawing board ... because the options truly are endless. It will be providing two playground design options for the taskforce to review at its next meeting. It also is working on a list of Beattie equipment and how much "life" it has left, so the team can be smart about decision-making. Beattie wants fundraising dollars to be used in the smartest way possible for a playground that will last as long as possible.

Task force committees launching

In the meantime, we've been working in the background to plan the best way for volunteers to help make sure this dream becomes a reality. We sought info from volunteers who signed up during Fall Fun Night on how they felt they could best assist in this effort. This weekend, we're kicking off our grant writing and community engagement efforts with an in-person meeting where we will get to know each other, map people to tasks that suit their interests and get started on achieving.

As a reminder, our Partnership and Grants Task Force will:

  • Seek $75,000 in grants (you know, so like seven $10,000 grants!)

  • Seek $50,000 in corporate sponsorships (one application already has been filed)

Our Community Engagement Task Force will:

  • Seek $75,000 in community donations

  • Seek $18,000 in school donations (we're already have $32,000 in the bank from prior year's savings and a successful 2024-25 Walk-A-Thon)

Go team!

a little boy in an orange hoodie holds a balloon
The sky is the limit for this capital campaign. Photo generated by Wix AI..

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