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Fri, Sep 27



Support our one-and-only fundraiser of the year! Walk the track, volunteer your time or donate.

Time & Location

Sep 27, 2024, 8:20 AM – 2:50 PM

Lincoln, 1901 Calvert St, Lincoln, NE 68502, USA

About the Event

Beattie Walk-A-Thon is our one-and-only fundraiser for the year! This fundraiser provides our school and children with "extras" needed for success — things such as supplemental classroom supplies; learning technology; enrichment activities, such as after-school clubs; and free community events, such as Fall Fun Night and Glow Dance.

Join us in this effort by helping promote and raise funds or volunteering at the walk. Volunteer to help with set up, supervising the students during their walking time, and to assist with clean up. Sign-up here:


Our goal is to raise $50,000, with $25,000 earmarked for current programming and anything raised above that going to support our new capital campaign — Boundless Play, Boundless Impact — to develop and install new playground equipment at Beattie Elementary.

2024-25 Theme: In Our Beattie Era

Students will begin raising money via Pledgestar beginning Aug. 26. No matter whether a student is able to gather donations or not, everyone will be participating in the Walk-a-Thon set for Sept. 27 during the school day.

The walking schedule for students and their parents, families or caregivers who would like to join is:

  • 8:20 - 9:10 a.m.: 5th grade
  • 9:20 - 10:10: 4th grade
  • 10:15 - 11:05: 2nd grade
  • 11:10 - 12:00: 3rd grade
  • 1:05 - 1:55: Kindergarten
  • 2:00 - 2:50: 1st grade


Students will receive their free Beattie Walk-A-Thon T-shirt on Walk-a-Thon day. Adults or community members wishing to order matching shirts may do so here: T-shirt sales close Aug. 31, 2024; shirts will be sent home prior to Sept. 25. Cost is $10.


A fundraising envelope for cash and check donations will be sent home with students Monday, Aug. 26. Pledgestar, our online fundraising website, also will go live Aug. 26. In order to sign up your student to receive donations, please follow the steps below:

Using your computer's browser:

  • Go to
  • Click “Not Registered For This Year’s Event”
  • Enter your name and email address, then click “Submit”
  • Follow the instructions on-screen to register walker(s) and add family and friends

Through donating, the entire school, classes, and individuals will be able to receive incentives and awards.


Whole school awards, class awards, and individual awards will be given out as incentives for the 2024-25 Walk-a-Thon.

Whole School Goal:

  • $10,000 - Hat Day
  • $15,000 - School-wide BINGO
  • $20,000 - Pajama Day
  • $25,000 - Eat in the Garden
  • $30,000 - Pie a Teacher
  • $40,000 - Local Musician Performance
  • $50,000 - Popcorn and a Movie Day

Class rewards:

  • $100 - Skip a lap
  • $250 - Water bottle sticker
  • $500 - Class game
  • $1,000 - Extra recess
  • $1,500 - Class dance party
  • $2,000 - Choose your lunch seat
  • $2,500 - Sit with a friend all day

Individual reward:

Earn a fidget pack for each tier achieved!

  • Tier 1: Any monteary donation, a Pop-It keychain
  • Tier 2: $25, squishy
  • Tier 3: $50, Galaxy slime
  • Tier 4: $75, fidget spinner
  • Tier 5: $100, Bobcat bracelet
  • Tier 6: $150, bendy pencils
  • Tier 7: $200, stress balls
  • Tier 8: $300, tickets to a special event (more details coming soon!)

All prizes will go out the week after Walk-a-Thon.

2024-'25 corporate sponsors

Know a corporate sponsor?

Walk-A-Thon is accepting corporate sponsorships in order to offset the costs of hosting the event. Sponsorships are $250 minimum, with the first 18 to get a logo on the back of our themed Walk-A-Thon T-shirt (given to students free). Sponsors will be collected through July 10, 2024. Beattie PTO does offer a charitable contribution receipt. Know a business that may be interested? Download our Sponsorship Letter.

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